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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

American Legion Planning Annual Memorial Day Weekend Ceremony Of Remembrance



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American Legion Post 202 will honor fallen comrades Memorial Day weekend, culminating with a ceremony of remembrance at The Liberty & Peace Monument, Main Street at Hanover Road.

The observance is planned for Saturday, May 25, at 5 pm.

American Legion Post 202 member Samuel Grummons will be playing taps on the euphonium at the beginning of the ceremony. All who would like to pay their respects are welcome.

In addition to the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion will participate. First Selectman Jeff Capeci also plans to be present to reflect upon the day and Newtown.

Newtown High School Tri-M Club will be performing. Vocalists and members of the Newtown High School band will render the National Anthem along with other patriotic music.

Parking is available at Edmond Town Hall and on the street. A traffic officer will be present for those who need assistance crossing the street. Attendees are welcome to bring chairs for seating.

Newtown Woman’s Club will place flags at the Monument on Friday, which will provide added solemnity for the weekend.

The Legion will again be decorating the monument with luminaries on Saturday afternoon, before the ceremony begins. The luminaries will be lit at the conclusion of the ceremony. They will be lit Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evening.

Names of veterans who have passed away or personal messages will be printed on the luminary bags.

Readers who would like to honor someone, living or deceased, or write a message, are invited to contact the local American Legion Post at AmericanLegionNewtown@gmail.com or 203-577-9568. Requested donation is $5 per luminaria.

“Pop-up tables” will also be set around town ahead of Memorial Day weekend, offering additional opportunities to sponsor luminaries.

American Legion Post 202 Commander Donna Monteleone Randle speaks during last year’s Memorial Day Weekend Ceremony of Remembrance. Organizers have announced plans for this year’s event. —Bee file photo
Newtown Woman’s Club members stand at The Liberty & Peace Monument after installing handheld flags around the Main Street location ahead of Memorial Day weekend last year. —Bee file photo
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