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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Aaron Nezvesky



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Family: My mom Bonnie, and lots of local cousins and relatives. My father Jeff died when I was a child.

Pets: Two cats, Boots, a tabby cat about 15 years old, and Penny, a Siamese who’s 21 years old.

How long have you lived in Newtown? 30 years — all of my life, so far — but my family has been here since 1906. We’re in the fifth generation of Nezveskys here.

Career: I recently started working at Aquarion Water Company, at the Putnam water treatment plant in Greenwich. I’m doing operations engineering, so we’re basically making sure that the end user — a/k/a/ the customer — in Greenwich and Darien receives high quality treated water. There’s a lot that goes into that.

Are you part of any local organizations? Botsford Fire Rescue, where I’m First Assistant Engineer; Dodgingtown Fire, where I’m a Firefighter; and Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps, as an EMT.

What do you like to do with your free time? I ride motorcycles, go hiking, anything outdoors. I also like to go to local town meetings — Inland Wetlands, Planning & Zoning, Conservation Commission. I’m trying to make sure Newtown has a bright future and maintains its integrity. Many people wouldn’t see that as fun, but I enjoy it. My grandfather used to go to the meetings, and he would complain about people driving too fast on his road, or someone building something that’s blocking his view [laughs], so I’m trying to keep up with what he started. Also I want to see areas like Main Street and Hattertown keep their charm.

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your life? My parents. My mother is the epitome of strength and courage. She’s never afraid to stand up to a challenge.

What was the most recent film you saw in the theater? Top Gun II

Favorite movie genre? Action

Do you have a favorite music genre? Rock & roll.

Do you have a favorite musician? Lynyrd Skynyrd and Bruce Springsteen.

What is the most recent concert you’ve been to? Paul McCartney at Madison Square Garden.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? I have two, really. My uncle Jay always told me when I was younger to learn a little bit about a lot, and not so much about a little. As simple as that saying might be, it means a lot and I’ve stood by that all my life. A great uncle, Phil, used to preach to me two things. He said you have to love what you do every day, and he said you have to love the person you sleep next to at night.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Going through the roller coaster of life, and making it to this point.

What is your favorite travel destination? I don’t have one, but I recently finished a 35-day motorcycle trip across the country. Along the way some of the top destinations were the mountains around Boone, North Carolina; the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, and The Big Horns in Wyoming.

What is your favorite part about Newtown? The farming history and the integrity and strength of those who live here.

What would you like to see covered in The Newtown Bee? I love The Way We Were, and history about the town. Maybe more of that, and maybe what’s coming up — like the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD) and what that means for the next 10-20 years to Newtown.

Do you have a personal credo? While driving, keep it between the mustard and the mayonnaise. (Keep it between the lines.)

Aaron Nezvesky —Bee Photo, Hicks
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