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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

A New Way Of Finding Records Of Ancestors



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On Wednesday, February 14, the Genealogy Club of Newtown will welcome guest speaker Bryna O’Sullivan, who will return via Zoom for a meeting to start at 7 pm.

O’Sullivan is a professional genealogist and lineage society specialist. She will present a program about “Discovering the Digital Collections of the Library of Congress and the National Archives.” Both institutions have some amazing free collections. This presentation will introduce attendees to a new way of finding records of our ancestors.

O’Sullivan fell in love with genealogy when she was in elementary school, when she discovered that her family was descended from Mayflower passengers she was studying. Today she is a lineage society application specialist who works hard to make the application process of her clients as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

She is based in Middletown. With over ten years of experience, she has assisted clients in joining the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, the Daughters (and sons) of the American Revolution, the National Society Colonial Dames of America, and many others.

She holds a BA in history and French literature, an MA in history, and an MA in theology. She has also completed the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research, the National Institute for Genealogical Studies Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies, the ProGen Study Group, and the DAR’s Genealogical Education Program, and others.

Members of the club will receive a link to the Zoom meeting, and should plan to sign in at 6:45 so that everyone can be admitted before the meeting begins promptly at 7 pm.

For further information about the program or about becoming a club member, send an email request for the link to the meeting and include name, address, phone number and email address by February 12 to genclubnewtownct.secretary@gmail.com.

The next Genealogy Club of Newtown meeting will include a program on the the digital collections of the Library of Congress and the National Archives.
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