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SWC Champs! Cheer Squad Wins Title



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The South-West Conference Cheerleading Championships featured some impressive tosses, tumbles, inversions, release skills, and more. Newtown High School's squad was the best.

The host Nighthawks captured the SWC title on February 2 by putting their skills on display during an impressive two and a half minute routine.

"I'm very pleased," Head Coach Susan Bridges said. "It wasn't perfect but they never gave up."

A fall here or there was easily overcome by the complexity of the Hawks' routine. Newtown's squad performed third to last and waited out the final couple of routines and the judge's final tallies before finding out it had won.

When Brookfield, which became apparent was the toughest competition as the event unfolded, was announced as the runner-up squad, the Hawks anxiously anticipated hearing that they, in fact, had won it all.

Chase Sferruzzo, Hannah Guman, and Hannah Busillo, each selected to the All Conference Team, said there was a big sense of relief to come out on top.

"Amazing. It's unreal," Sferruzzo said.

"It just feels really good," Guman added.

This is the start of the championship season, which follows up with state competitions. Capturing first in the SWC competition is a nice reward for months of hard work, preparation, and dedication.

"It's a great way to end senior year," Busillo said.

Between the last of the varsity team routines and the announcement of the winning team the Newtown Youth Cheerleading program wowed the crowed with a showing that as impressive by high school cheer standards. Then there were some fun-filled competitions of sorts.

D14 youth cheerleader Lily Willinger went up against several high school girls in the "stick and stand" competition — and came out on top. The event featured cheerleaders doing back flips from a standstill and sticking the landing until the last cheerleader was standing.

Then came the "longest extension" battle. The teams battled it out to see which one could hold a teammate up for the longest period of time. Newtown's varsity group took the prize with a three minute-plus effort.

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