Letter Of Endorsement: Ruben For Ruben
To the Editor:
I am writing today to encourage voters to consider my husband, Ben Ruben, for Legislative Council District 3 in the upcoming election. Although I may be viewed as having a bias opinion, I think it speaks volumes when a spouse is supported unconditionally.
Shortly after moving to Newtown, Ben’s interest in community involvement became apparent as we began to explore the town, enroll our family in activities and meet new people — lifelong residents and newcomers alike. I am proud to stand by his side as he takes on this role and responsibility that I know he will absolutely succeed in.
Ben is passionate, extremely hard working, levelheaded and openminded. All qualities that can make a candidate successful in any position, especially Legislative Council. A vote for Ben Ruben is a vote to make this wonderful town our family now calls home an even better place for all residents.
I speak for our family when I say we appreciate your consideration and we all look forward to Election Day!
Nina Ruben