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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Madzula — Keeping It Nicer In Newtown



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To the Editor:

I write in support of John Madzula II as he seeks election to the Board of Selectmen of Newtown.

I have had the pleasure of knowing John for over ten years. And over that time, I have had the opportunity to be involved in his life as a friend, observe his work as an attorney, as well as an elected official on the Board of Finance. He demonstrates the quality and characteristics of someone that can lead by example but also sacrifices his time to help the citizens of Newtown.

As a lifelong resident of Newtown and now as someone that is married and has two young children, I cannot think of a better individual to help lead Newtown in the future. John’s commitment to town politics, fiscal responsibility and his ability to work with others is the type of leadership we need.

Please vote for John Madzula II for Board of Selectmen as a vote for John will ensure that we elect someone that helps all of us, no matter your political affiliation. I know he will work tirelessly for bettering Newtown.


Tim Hoeffel


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