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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Dollars And ‘Sense’ — Madzula For Selectman



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To the Editor:

I’m writing in support of my friend John Madzula II for Board of Selectmen. John’s experience and commitment to Newtown are a matter of record, having served on the Conservation Commission and most recently two terms on the Board of Finance, currently as chairman.

Professionally John is an attorney, whose experience with contract negotiations and budget analysis has proven invaluable on the BOF. As chair he’s overhauled the Board’s communications with Town Departments. Requests for additional information and cost analysis are now handled in a consistent and transparent manner.

Accountability and the impact of budget decisions on taxpayers are always important considerations under John’s leadership.

At a time when Newtown will have to make some difficult and expensive choices soon. Issues on the horizon such as how Fairfield Hills moves forward, to funding priorities in Newtown’s capital improvement plan, and what tax-positive development looks like, all as costs continue to climb, are challenges we’ll have to deal with.

John’s expertise, personal roots in town, and common sense approach will be immensely helpful. I have no doubt that John will bring the same level of professionalism and dedication to the position of Selectman, that he’s demonstrated time and again as these critical decisions confront us.

Join me in voting for my friend John Madzula II on November 7th.

Rachel Rowan

Sandy Hook

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