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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement



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To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Tom Long to return to the Legislative Council in District 3. I have known Tom for some time now. We originally served together on the C.H. Booth Library Board of Trustees. During that time Tom was very committed to ensuring that the library be a great place for all to use. He took over as the Turkey Trot race director after I left the board. He did an outstanding job keeping the momentum and energy behind the Turkey Trot.

Tom and I currently serve on the Legislative Council. Tom has been a great resource on the Council.

Tom has always been involved in community service he has graciously given his time to support the efforts of Newtown Charter Revision Commission, Newtown Forest Association, Parks and Recreation Trails Committee, and Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers to name a few. Professional Tom works for The WorkPlace where he is the SVP of Communications and Operations.

Vote for Tom in District 3 on November 7th.

Matt Mihalcik

Sandy Hook

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