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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Planning For The Future



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To the Editor:

As Dan Cruson and I campaign in Newtown, we’ve heard concerns about our town’s roads and traffic. Proximity to Interstate 84 can be both convenient and problematic, especially when accidents on the highway cause traffic to spill over onto Main Street and Church Hill Road. We believe new development must be carefully planned with traffic in mind, involving state and federal agencies for cooperation.

Additionally, we’re committed to expanding sidewalks, especially near schools, parks, and essential services, for a more walkable community. This not only reduces car usage but also enhances pedestrian safety. We endorse AARP-endorsed Smart Growth America’s Complete Streets for managing growth and safety.

Six years ago, Newtown was burdened with borrowing millions for road and bridge repairs. Through discipline, we’ve shifted away from this. Dan Cruson and I pledge to include regular maintenance in our budget to eliminate interest costs.

The unique characteristics that make Newtown a desirable place to live — its historic streets and country roads as well as easy access to the highway — can also present challenges. But Dan and I are committed to smart planning for streets and sidewalks so that Newtown’s charm remains its biggest asset.

Michelle Embree Ku


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1 comment
  1. qstorm says:

    As my street continues to deteriorate a sidewalk would be nice so I can walk 3 miles to the nearest park.

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