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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement



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To the Editor,

Local elections are about local issues: sound management of tax dollars, efficient government, public safety, and strong schools. In Newtown, we have an opportunity to elect someone who has championed all four in his decades of service to our community.

Jim Gaston is running for election to the Board of Finance. Although he has not held elective office in Newtown for four years, virtually no one has more experience scrutinizing our town’s money than Jim. He was appointed to the original Board of Finance and served as chair or vice-chair for seven terms. He knows the intricacies of our budget and capital improvement plan. He knows where to look for efficiencies. He knows how to reach across the political aisle and collaborate. He brings integrity, competence, and diligence to meetings, and he always puts Newtown first.

No matter how the election breaks on November 7 there will be many new faces in our local government. That’s a good thing; fresh eyes bring new perspectives. But there exists a strong need for institutional knowledge as we transition to new leadership, and it would be wise to put Jim Gaston back on the Board of Finance where he will work with others to manage Newtown’s money.

Please vote for Jim on November 7.

I write this letter as a personal endorsement and not in my role as a member of the Legislative Council or Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses.


Chris Gardner


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