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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement



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To the Editor:

I have been on the Planning and Zoning team, and we make very difficult decisions concerning the Town of Newtown. I would like to recommend Barbara Manville and David Rosen for the up-and-coming election. They will continue to take into consideration the growth of Newtown, its safety with the environment, and our schools. They do listen to our people and work with them. Barbara Manville and David Rosen are citizens of Newtown and want what’s best for our town. Please vote for them.

You might not know Dan Cruson, but he is a wonderful, intelligent man who will make an excellent Selectman. I have known Dan as a young man who received his Eagle award from Troop 70, Newtown. He went to college and settled in Newtown with his wife and family. His children attend our Newtown Schools. He listens to what our community says and works diligently for the Board of Education. I support him and hope you will vote for him in the upcoming election.

It is amazing that most of the citizens of America don’t realize or take advantage of all the privileges that we have. I have visited most of the United States, Russia, Italy and Finland. With the upcoming elections in November, I hope the people of Newtown take advantage of our right to vote, that most foreign countries do not have.

Do not let others make decisions for you.

Vote row A.

Corinne Cox


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