Departing LC Member Supporting Three In District 3
To the Editor:
I would like to thank Newtown District 3 voters for trusting me with their votes for Legislative Council. While I am stepping away now, I have full trust and confidence in all three Republican candidates for District 3.
Ben Ruben, who did volunteer work in his former city in the state of Pennsylvania, jumped right in volunteering as soon as he became a Newtown resident. As the vice chair on Newtown’s community center commission, he brings his experience, family values, and the love of Newtown that he and his wife Nina, chose to make this his family’s Home to raise their two children.
Tom Long, with whom I serve on the legislative council presently, also has shown his commitment to Newtown with his volunteering with the Economic Development commission, Library trustee as well as many other volunteer positions he has served, to preserve Newtown’s charm and character.
John Zachos, another long-time resident who with his wife Ann, raised their two children in Newtown. They loved that their children started at Middle Gate School then graduated from Newtown High School. John has the background and experience to help Newtown prosper and grow while keeping the small town character.
I feel these three gentlemen hold the values that I strive to keep, to keep Newtown affordable so as not to force older residents to leave and attract younger residents to stay.
I will trust them with my vote and hope you will trust them with your vote also.
Thank You,
Philip Carroll