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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Madzula ‘Cares Deeply ... Thinks Critically’



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To the Editor:

Please join me in supporting John Madzula II for Board of Selectmen in November.

Having grown up in Newtown, John cares deeply about our Town and makes decisions that he feels will serve Newtown best.

John has experience in construction management, which gives him a basis of knowledge to assess our town building needs and to strategize their upkeep during the Capital Improvement Plan process.

As a lawyer, John thinks critically about problems and does not shut out any one opinion.

He will bring all of this along with his four-year experience on the Board of Finance to the Board of Selectmen. We are lucky to have John as a volunteer.

I write this in my individual capacity and not as a member of the Board of Finance currently serving with John.

Sandy Roussas


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