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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Enthusiastically Endorsing Police Commission Candidates



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To the Editor:

I enthusiastically endorse both Neil Chaudhary and Steve Sedensky for election to the Newtown Board of Police Commissioners.

I have served three terms on the Board, most recently as chair. The Board operates as an apolitical group to oversee the NPD and act as traffic authority — in the best interest of every citizen of the Town.

Neil and Steve are from different political parties but will work together in the future — as they have in the past — to enhance the safety of Newtown.

Neil’s experience as a traffic engineer provides an excellent resource for the Board given its charge.

Steve, recently as State’s Attorney for the judicial district of Danbury and presently as a special prosecutor, has a unique perspective having engaged with law enforcement and the criminal justice system for his entire career. Newtown is fortunate to have two such qualified individuals willing to serve the public in such an important position.

They should both be given a four year term on the Board.

Joel T. Faxon


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