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Newtown, CT, USA

Theater Review: Modern Yet Still Faithful ‘Pride & Prejudice’ Adaptation An Enjoyable Show By The Sherman Players



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SHERMAN — Jane Austen’s 1813 novel Pride & Prejudice has seen just about every adaptation that a story can have. Television, movies, musicals and even a reimagining during a Zombie apocalypse (yes, that exists).

Playwright Kate Hamill’s comedic modern, yet faithful, stage adaptation of the Austen novel is currently being presented by The Sherman Players.

Austen’s story remains relatively intact. Pride centers on Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet (played by Maya Daley) and the social pressures she faces to marry for money and wealth as opposed to love.

Lizzy doesn’t want to give in to social pressures, however, and attempts to forge her own path in life. She eventually learns the repercussions of hasty judgments and the difference between real and superficial goodness.

Even though you’ve had 210 years to read the novel, the ending will not be spoiled here.

Hamill’s adaptation is written to be a fast-paced farce featuring quick changes, cast members playing multiple roles and over-the-top humor. The script requires taking Austen’s characters to the edge of absurdity in a controlled chaos.

While Director Michael J. Frohnhoefer has assembled a top notch cast of talent for this production, at times the slower pacing and stagnant staging seems to hinder much of Hamill’s witty rapid-fire script. This is an extremely ambitious show to take on, one which requires a delicate balance of genre reverence and modern silliness and I commend Frohnhoefer for taking on this challenge.

The show does have a handful of very funny moments, mostly thanks to actor Michael Schaner, who plays not only Mr Bingley, Lizzy’s sister Jane’s (Tarah Margaret Vega) betrothed, but also weird and off-putting Bennet sister, Mary. Every time he appears on stage the scenes light up with laughs. Whether he is coughing up a lung as Mary or darting around the stage as the eager puppy-like Mr Bingley, Schaner knows how to squeeze every laugh out of a line.

Maya Daley is a delight as Lizzy. She plays a very grounded and earnest Lizzy, within the social chaos around her.

Patrick Kelly, as Mr Darcy, also brings humanity and a steadfastness to his portrayal of the iconic character.

Steve Stott and Alexa Wild portray Lizzy’s parents (the aptly named Mr & Mrs Bennet). Stott brings life to the stodgy and set-in-his-ways Mr Bennet. It is especially amusing to see him bounce between playing Mr Bennet and Charlotte Lucas so deftly.

Meanwhile, Wild is the perfect panicked socialite mother, worried and frantic that her daughters will never marry up and the family will be destitute for the rest of their days. She also has a nice cameo in Act Two as a no-nonsense maid.

Dean Alexander takes on the triple role of Mr Collins, Mr Wickham, and Miss Bingley. Alexander brings an original and joyful distinctness to each of his characters.

Abi Heydenburg and Tarah Margaret Vega round out the cast as Lizzy’s other sisters, Lydia and Jane, respectively. Heydenburg’s youthful energy is perfect for Lydia. In Act Two, she also takes on upper class socialite Lady Catherine De Bourgh with a haughty pompousness.

Vega plays Jane, the most desirable and possibly most naïve of the sisters, as well as well as the mysteriously strange Miss Ann Debourgh. She seamlessly handles both roles with grace and humor.

The set is simple and allows the words and acting to be the main focus. One can always count on Al Chiappetta for a stylish and effective technical design showcasing the gem of a theater that is Sherman Playhouse. Sue Haneman handled costumes beautifully, which is no easy task with so many changes.

Whether or not you are a fan of Austen’s, Sherman’s acting ensemble for this production of Pride & Prejudice is reason enough to make a visit to Sherman Playhouse. Performances continue to October 7. Tickets and additional information are available at shermanplayers.org. Tickets can also be reserved by calling 860-354-3622.

Mr Darcy (Patrick Kelly) and Lizzy (Maya Daley) share a moment in a scene from Pride and Prejudice, currently in production by The Sherman Players. —Trish Haldin Photography photo
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