Gilson Wants Your Vote For BOE
To the Editor:
To our Newtown community,
My name is Christopher Gilson and I would like to volunteer my time, experience, and energy as a member of our town’s Board of Education. I sincerely feel that my qualifications would make a positive impact, and I would be committed to supporting the continued excellence of our superintendent, teachers, and staff.
I currently have two children in our schools — a senior and an eighth grader. Throughout the years, my children have been challenged to excel, inspired to embrace new concepts, and encouraged to value a diversity of ideas, both at home and in their classrooms. My family has also inspired my respect for learning and education. Aside from grandparents, aunts, and uncles who were educators, my sister is a professor of Gifted Education and we have had many conversations regarding effective teaching and listening strategies.
In 2010, I was awarded a PhD in Immunology from Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. While in graduate school, I also began a six-year teaching career at Georgia Perimeter Community College. My first few semesters were a bit rough while getting confident with the material and struggling to effectively lead a class. I would not have persevered and eventually succeeded without the advice and mentoring of my sister. I very much appreciate her expertise in engaging students and advice on how to effectively align the curriculum, instructions, and assessments to the learning objectives.
This led to a faculty position in the Biology Department at Emory, where I remained for another three years. Teaching, advising, and mentoring students was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.
In 2017, I relocated my family to my native state of Conn., to begin a new career in pharmaceutical research and to be closer to family. When choosing a community in which to settle, the quality of the school system was a top priority. After residing in Brookfield for several years, we moved permanently to Sandy Hook in 2020. I currently work in New Haven researching cancer treatments.
If elected to the Newtown Board of Education, I will be committed to supporting our mission to provide effective management of budgets and efficient oversight of our schools. To make a positive impact, our community needs representatives with integrity, a willingness to receive advice from subject matter experts, and the ability to listen to our community members. I have proven this skill in my classrooms and workplaces, and I look forward to accepting the challenge of being a member of my community’s Board of Education as well.
Christopher Gilson
Sandy Hook