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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Why I Am A Candidate For Legislative Council District 1



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To the Editor:

To my neighbors and friends, I am Steve Hinden, and I am an unaffiliated candidate endorsed by the Newtown DTC for Legislative Council, District 1. I have lived in Newtown since my wife and our son moved here in 2004. We have experienced and enjoyed everything that our community has to offer, including our wonderful school system that provided our son’s education through his high school graduation. I have also previously served on one of Newtown’s municipal boards, having been elected in 2017 to a term on the Board of Finance.

I am a consultant with Willis Towers Watson in its Work and Rewards practice, and I have advised many public and private companies, including their senior executives and boards of directors.

I have been inspired to run for Legislative Council, District 1 because of the events of the past year, specifically, the appalling attempt by certain members of our community, specifically those among the leadership of the Newtown RTC, to attempt to impose book banning on our schools. I was an active voice against those attempts, and like many of you, felt deceived and manipulated when I learned through others’ Freedom of Information Act requests that the entire wedge issue was invented and instigated by this segment of the leadership of the Newtown RTC.

The facts that came out after those BOE meetings included virtual “cut and paste” coordinated, same-week complaints; of the ten formal complaints, many were or are closely associated with Newtown RTC members, and one is the Newtown RTC chair who is in fact my current representative on the Legislative Council in District 1. The conclusion that this was organized under his guidance is hard to avoid.

The actions of this current representative/Newtown RTC chair to create this awful wedge issue among our community are unacceptable, and I believe these tactics are not welcomed in Newtown. I hope to have the support of those who feel the same. Thank you.

Steve Hinden

Sandy Hook

Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. friendly101 says:

    As a concerned voter, I just hope Mr. Hinden is getting involved to come together on issues and not create more of a divide.

  2. tscinto says:

    I sat behind you at the book challenge and listened to the most vile language come out of your mouth. You didn’t care that there were young people there. You didn’t care about anything other than spewing your hateful words. You even came back after being asked to leave and paced behind the two women you were so insulting to. You sir, should never hold a public position.

  3. netwownnutmegger says:

    This is a really astonishing Letter to the Editor. There is little, if anything, in this text that explains why you should consider voting for this individual. Rather, it is focused on highlighting a raw (now closed) issue and vilifying members of the other political party. Not to be overlooked, the discussion on certain books in Town schools was a matter handled by the Board of Education. I am still trying to understand how it has anything to do with his candidacy for Legislative Council. Vote carefully, friends.

  4. voter says:

    While I am mildly concerned to learn that this candidate is running for a spot on the LC, I am especially concerned that the Democratic Town Council sees fit to endorse this person’s run for office. Are they simply desperate to fill the ticket, or do they actually embrace his behavior and language? I would expect that any voter who witnessed Mr. Hinden in action at recent town meetings would understand that he is unfit to serve the public.

  5. Deborra Zukowski says:

    Mr Hinden was among the most disruptive members of the public at the May 16 BOE meeting. While the camera and mics did not catch everything, some of his behavior can be seen about 2 hrs and 2 mins into the meeting and again after he finished his public participation, about 3 hrs and 15 and 1/2 mins in. The latter time provided includes his second public comment. A recording of the meeting is available at https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=899. [Full disclosure: I was the Chair at that meeting.]

    Of note, the Republican members of the BOE did not vote to “ban books.” We voted against a motion that did not provide parents with any tools to use for their own children. A motion that was responsive to all of our families was passed unanimously at the following meeting.

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