In Ceremonial Event, Police Chief Takes Oaths Of Office
Although Police Chief James Viadero was officially sworn into office at Newtown Municipal Center in early January, to formally mark the new leadership of police department, its membership sponsored a ceremonial swearing-in event for the chief on February 26 at Edmond Town Hall.
The Newtown Police Benevolent Association covered the costs for the private event, which included a ceremonial swearing-in at the theater, plus a reception that followed upstairs in the Alexandria Room.
The event was well attended, drawing an estimated 400 people at some point between 5 and 9:30 pm. Chief Viadero, who has been in municipal policing in Connecticut for more than 30 years, is well known in law enforcement circles.
Michael Kehoe, who retired as police chief in January, was among the past and present police chiefs who attended the event.
Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia Halstead administered two oaths of office to Chief Viadero.
Among those speaking were Police Commission Chairman Joel Faxon, who said that in unanimously deciding to hire the new chief, commission members agreed on his exemplary qualities as a leader.
State Attorney General George Jepsen said that modern technology and social media present new situations in which criminal activity may occur. Chief Viadero is ready to address such activity, Mr Jepsen added.
Chief Viadero understands policing well and understands Newtown well, having lived here for many years, Mr Jepsen said.
"There is no one better prepared. He will do a fantastic job," the attorney general said.
State Senator Tony Hwang said that with Chief Viadero's successful leadership, Newtown will serve as a new model for municipal law enforcement. "I'm thrilled to have you be police chief," Sen Hwang said.
First Selectman Pat Llodra observed that in view of marked changes which American society has experienced, leaders are needed who are able to chart the right course of action. "I am confident that you will lead us well … for many years," Mrs Llodra told Chief Viadero.
Police Commission member Brian Budd, who is a police officer, said that the Newtown Police Department has learned much as a result of the December 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As such, the department is united in working to protect the citizenry, he said.
James McCabe, PhD, a criminal justice professor at Sacred Heart University, said that Chief Viadero has the best reputation of any police officer in the state. DrÃÂ McCabe said Newtown is blessed to have James Viadero as its police chief, adding that the chief has impeccable qualifications.
"You made a terrific choice… He will bring great things to this fine department," Prof McCabe said.
At the ceremony, Monsignor Robert Weiss of St Rose of Loma Church provided the opening prayer and the Reverend Jim Solomon, senior pastor of New Hope Community Church, provided a closing prayer.
Briana Alves sang the national anthem. Police color guards from Newtown and Bridgeport participated, as did The Waterbury Pipes, a bagpipe group comprising emergency services personnel.
On February 29, Chief Viadero said of the swearing-in event, "I was humbled and honored. I was in awe… It was good for the department… We're going to go off on a new adventure here."
About 20 people, including family, friends, and town officials, gathered on January 6 when the chief took the oaths of office from the town clerk to become the town's fifth police chief.
Mr Viadero, a Republican, served as a Newtown Police Commission member from late 2009 to mid-2014, leaving that panel when he became Middlebury's police chief. Before working in Middlebury, he had served as a Bridgeport police officer for 29 years, leaving that job at the rank of captain.
Last June, Mr Kehoe, who had worked as town police officer since 1978, announced that he would retire from his post. Mr Kehoe headed the police department since 1999, with the Police Commission promoting him to the rank of police chief in 2001.
In Newtown, a police chief answers to the Police Commission and works closely with the first selectman.