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Bruce Walczak For A Balanced BOE



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To the Editor:

The most significant accomplishments of our community and country have occurred when we have come together to find a middle ground to solve the challenges we have faced. In those periods in history, the “WE” in We the People was all-inclusive. WE listened respectfully to each other and actively sought common ground. WE believed compromise was a path to equal representation. And WE succeeded.

Over 20 years ago, I met Bruce Walczak at an informal meeting of community members who came from a variety of political backgrounds to discuss challenges facing a growing community with a rich history.

What struck me then, and is true today, was Bruce’s ability to synthesize everyone’s perspective and point out the commonality that would lead to actionable plans that reflected everyone in the group. It is a rare gift that has served our community well in Bruce’s roles on various boards and commissions.

At a time when the political climate would prefer WE perceive our community as US versus THEM, WE need someone with the proven ability to find common ground and reach solutions that reflect the community rather than political ideologies.

WE need Bruce Walczak on the Board of Education.


Karen C. Pierce

Sandy Hook

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