'Playing With Our Safety'
To the Editor:
Another serious accident occurred on South Main Street Thursday causing injuries and also power outages at Sand Hill Plaza. The spot where it happened has had many serious accidents over the years.
I’ve heard people comment that drivers are blatantly speeding through red lights mostly because they know they won’t be stopped by police.
Also, I’ve noticed many out of state license plates and wonder if they know the rules of the road. In addition to distracted drivers, we have to contend with people making their own privileged decisions about who has the right of way.
Playing with our safety is not an option. Maybe cameras at intersections are necessary now and possibly lifesaving. We all recognize the problem.
Let’s hope there is a solution.
JoAnne Barnhart
Sandy Hook
When we moved here many years back, police with radar were always on 34, usually by Liberty Rd. In the past maybe five years, none. Drive 60 (in a 40) and someone is behind you by about three feet. People pass in no passing zones.
The spot where the accident you refer to, two lanes to one. People get in the right lane to pass on the right, then cut over last moment. Again- doing 50+ mph in that area.
With all the traffic from I-84 using 25 and 34, its time to step up enforcement and visibility. Drive through Wilton, New Canaan or Ridgefield, you know the police are waiting for you around the corner.