Canceling Of Janae Marks Reading Is A Missed Opportunity
To the Editor:
Several weeks ago, a read-aloud of the book, From the Desk of Zoe Washington, by acclaimed Black author Janae Marks, was eliminated just days before it was to start. This powerful story of discovery and empowerment tells of a middle school-aged Black girl who works to get her father, who has been wrongfully convicted, released from prison surfaces concerning issues of racism in our justice system.
This was a missed opportunity for so many of our students.
I heard of a parent wanting to not have their children present for this read-aloud. When questioned about the cancellation, the administration indicated that teachers were uncomfortable with this book given the current political climate. And so the school-wide read-aloud became a book-club reading. Racism makes white parents uncomfortable about their children learning how the American justice system treats Black Americans.
When the schools put up actual Black History bulletin boards for Black History Month, a parent was noted as remarking that the schools should put up bulletin boards honoring the police. Racism holds police in opposition to displays of Black people that make white people uncomfortable.
Last year, when the board of education was discussing the new Black and Latino Studies curriculum, a parent in attendance was heard wondering what value would there be in this class for their white child. Racism has white people believing that there is no value in learning about the struggles and triumphs of people that do not share their ethnicity.
As I noted in my Letter to the Editor published on April 21, the Newtown Public School System has signaled that it's willing to let racism dictate student experience, putting lie to the Chair of the Board of Education's claim that Newtown Public Schools now gives an equitable experience to black and brown children.
Perhaps part of the reason Newtown Public Schools is failing in this mission is that the three parents I mentioned in my above examples are, in fact, the same person, and that person sits on this same board.
Considering the claim that teachers are uncomfortable discussing racial issues given the current political environment, this is extremely concerning.
Equally concerning is that a parent in this community called the police on our educators in a campaign to get their way in the book ban controversy. This sort of behavior only creates more stress for our dedicated educators and is detrimental to the overall mission of our public education system.
The most extreme, disturbing elements of political partisanship have sadly made their way into our beloved community, and it is our children that will pay the price.
Linda O’Sullivan
Sandy Hook
A war for the hearts and souls of our children is well underweigh. Unfortunately the beach head is controlled by administrators, teachers and librarians who support a particular agenda. Unchallenged until now.