Newtown Lions Say Thank You
To the Editor:
I want to take a moment to thank all the good folks who helped make the Newtown Lions Club’s Lose the Litter Day a good success on Earth Day.
In addition to a number of Lions, over 20 groups scoured the Newtown roadsides. Among the roads policed were Phyllis Lane, Commerce Road, 302, Concord Ridge, Plumtrees Road, Brushy Hill, The Boulevard, Boggs Hill Road, School House Hill, Tanglewood Lane, Baldwin Road, New Lebbon, Castle Hill, Taunton Hill Road, Berkshire Road and Sweetbriar Lane.
The shorter roads were cleaned completely while the longer ones were only partially finished. Some of the roads did not need much policing. On the other hand, there were some like the Newtown section of Plumtrees Road where the Berich and Blanchard families filled five big bags with garbage.
I also would like to thank The Newtown Bee for its good publicity, the highway department for all the bags and gloves they gave us and to Jerome Mayer who bought additional bags.
On Earth Day we made our good town more attractive. We now urge all Newtowners to continue the good work. Even picking up a single item while on the way to work or school would be a help.
Gordon Williams