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Appreciating Letter Writers' Perspectives



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To the Editor:

The Way We Were, a weekly feature in The Newtown Bee, always opens us to the visions past of Newtown’s local people, places, and events. Two letters in last week’s issue bring three current points to our attention now:

John Boccuzzi’s letter makes two: a critique of the senior housing project on Commerce Road; negative, rightfully so; likened to Bridgeport factories, right on the mark. Second comment, a congratulatory for the continuing plans for sidewalk additions in the Borough.

Lindsay Green’s letter was a detailed love story about the local treasure we have in Ellie Lewis’s Sandy Hook Diner, the home cooking talent in all its variations and the comforting atmosphere, time worn, circa 1935, a blessing disguised as simply a place to eat, a today’s comfort zone. We encourage the prospective owner to consider a saving grace for worthy preservation — please. Great pancakes!

Elizabeth Lincoln


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