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'Where Is Your Transparency?'



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To the Editor:

A straight line can be drawn from cyber bullying, social media, mental health, and firearm availability to crime in Connecticut. The State Senate candidate who has been a champion in transparency for specific plans to address these concerns is Captain Tim Gavin. I’ve been searching for Senator Tony Hwang’s plans for some of these topics. I’m having difficulty finding specifics.

Cyber bullying and social media are two prominent factors in suicide, child abuse, and gun violence, especially among Connecticut’s youth. Captain Tim Gavin’s career is in internet safety, an area sadly lacking in our two current legislative bodies. If elected, he will initiate effective legislative bills to address the role the internet plays in suicide, child abuse, and gun violence, with the intention of greatly reducing their occurrences.

Senator Hwang, where is your transparency?

After being asked numerous times, The Bee readers are still waiting for your answers regarding whether you believe Biden is our legitimately-elected president, whether you believe in a woman’s right to choose, whether you believe in stricter gun safety, and whether you support the January 6 commission. In addition to the aforementioned list, where do you stand on the issues I’ve raised in this letter? You’re on record voting against Connecticut’s Red Flag laws, designed to keep guns out of the hands of vulnerable people, thus keeping people safer. Captain Gavin supports the Red Flag laws.

Senator Hwang, when asked the first four questions mentioned above, The Bee’s editor noted that you requested the writer’s contact information so you could make personal contact with him. Please don’t ask to secretly contact me. We the people, all the people, deserve to know where you stand.

If a vote for Captain Gavin for State Senator translates into even one saved life, it’s a vote worth casting.

Connie Cooper

Sandy Hook

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