Race For Catherine Coming Up, Turkey Trot On Deck
The Race For Catherine will take place in mid-October and the Turkey Trot is set for Thanksgiving morning.
Race For Catherine: The Race For Catherine, the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary’s annual 5K for Kindness, will take place Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16. The live event will be held October 16, at Fairfield Hills, starting at 9 am and the virtual event will take place all three days.
Cost ranges from $20 to $40 for adults, children, and virtual and live race participants. Runners must also raise $25 by October 17. Register at runsignup.com/Race/CT/Newtown/RaceforCatherine.
Turkey Trot: The Turkey Trot 5K race and 2.5K walk to benefit C.H. Booth Library will take place Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, at 7:45 am. Cost is $30. Register at newtownturkeytrot.com.