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Newtown, CT, USA

Trinity Episcopal Church School Begins September 18



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All children are welcome at the Trinity Episcopal Church School.

The newly revamped program will start Sunday, September 18 and run through the school year. Church school will start promptly at 9:30 am each Sunday for children in kindergarten through grade six.

Children can be dropped off as early as 9:15 am, before the start of the church service.

Children will enjoy a Bible lesson, related activities, and fun together before rejoining their families in the sanctuary prior to the start of Holy Communion. Children younger than this can play in the church nursery.

Trinity Episcopal Church’s new Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Frances Chamberlain, invites you to contact her with any questions or to get a registration form at fchamberlain@trinitynewtownct.org. She comes to the church with eight years of experience with teaching church school, working creatively with families, and developing inclusive programs that help kids learn to identify their God-given gifts.

Learn more about Trinity Episcopal Church at trinitynewtownct.org. Contact the church at 203-426-9070 or trinity@trinitynewtownct.org with questions.

Frances Chamberlain is Trinity Episcopal Church’s new Children’s Ministry Coordinator.
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