Are You An American Patriot?
To the Editor:
The older I get, the less I believe in the letters D and R.
Am I looking for the best for my country? Or am I narrowly focused on only what’s best for me? Like a healthy parent, our government should keep us safe.
We need to become more adult in our political conversations. We may do some good if we remain open to listening and keep a civil attitude, maybe parting as friends who disagree. Where is the courage to express your opinions? Is your company likely to punish you? Is this really America?
Just because someone has different values does not make them evil. They may be uninformed by 3-second media bytes, or just remain blindly loyal to their party and cock-sure of their opinions, but they are still fellow Americans. We need to use critical thinking, not just say what others say. Friends, family and neighbors should be gently educated in a civil manner. Free speech is our indispensable bedrock value. Let’s be adult and use it effectively now.
Anyone who does not want to have a discussion about the current state of America certainly doesn’t have to, but are you afraid that you can’t cite specific reasons for your view?
Will you call names, hoping something will stick to the wall without actually researching a given issue? Calling someone evil and not being willing to communicate does not move the conversation forward. If you think you are a victim you’re selling yourself short. No one has the power to hold you down, only yourself.
Take action, be bold!
Our government used to be the servant of the people and we all still have a say in it. Speak up and take some local action after becoming educated on the issues. We can’t depend on a political hero of our choice, lay back and complain. Ours is a participatory government. Anyone can carp and destroy, but can they help build a viable alternative?
America has thrived for generations. We now witness the erosion of this glorious experiment caused by leftists (socialists) who are trying to create a society that is not free. Socialism may work for a little while, until you run out of other people’s money. Immigrants from communist countries warn us that socialism is the precursor to communism. Do you appreciate your freedom enough to stand for it?
I am not content to be silent. Let us be brave and speak our values openly and courageously. Do you want to go along to get along, or would you be interested in saving America?
Take action locally, don’t complain. You’ll feel more empowered and part of the solution.
Thank You.
Bryan Hermansdorfer