A Mother’s Reminder About Pool Safety
To the Editor:
The summer is a time for carefree sunlit days but unfortunately it can also be a time for tragic accidents and loss. With all of August ahead and Labor Day fast approaching with parties being planned, it’s a good time to be mindful of pool and backyard safety.
If you are planning a party and you have a pool in your backyard, assign a person/persons to be on guard at the pool for the entire day, starting before the party begins. Some people even hire lifeguards, if possible, which is helpful.
From a mom who has done it herself, consider hiring a “mother’s helper” for the day, to supervise young children, in and out of the pool.
Here are some additional pool safety tips:
*Children should be advised to walk and not run near a swimming pool;
*No diving ever in a shallow part of a pool (when in doubt don’t dive, teenagers need to be reminded of this);
*No rough playing in a pool;
*Pool drains and covers can be hazardous — pool owners should inspect their pool drain covers and drains regularly;
No one should ever swim alone (this applies to adults as well), and pool safety equipment should be available and ready for use;
*If a storm is approaching everyone needs to exit the pool and also go indoors if lightning or thunder begins;
*Children who cannot swim should always wear a swim vest/life jacket in and near a pool; and
On hot summer days, sunscreen is important, also a hat to keep the sun off your face, as well as being well hydrated.
I hope these tips have been helpful — if so please share them with others.
Nancy J. Azzaro