Statewide Voter Registration Event Planned
Ahead of the Democratic and Republican primaries on August 9, all Registrars of Voters offices in Connecticut will hold a statewide voter registration session on Monday, August 8.
According to Christopher Prue, president of the Registrars of Voters Association of Connecticut, those who will have turned 18, become a US citizen, or moved to Connecticut since August 4 of this year should visit their local Registrar of Voters office between 9 am and noon that day to register to vote.
Members of the Armed Forces, and former Armed Forces members who have been discharged within the calendar year, have until 5 pm August 8 to register, also according to Prue.
Readers should call their local Registrars of Voters office for details.
Located within Newtown Municipal Center at 3 Primrose Street, the Newtown Registrar of Voters office can be reached at 203-270-4250 or Additional information is also available at
Connecticut Secretary of the State Mark F. Kohler reminds all state residents the anyone encountering problems on Election Day should contact the Election Day Hotline at 866-733-2463 or send an email to