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A Problem Needs To Be Carefully Defined



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To the Editor:

Albert Einstein claimed that you can not solve a problem unless you carefully define study all aspects. This cannot be accomplished unless we challenge our existing “fixed perception” that prevents us from opening our minds to new insights and viewpoints that are ignored.

Kenneth S. Trump, a recognized expert who worked in many school shootings identified the importance of focusing on understanding the distorted human behavior of the shooters.

Many of them watched video war games, posted their battle readiness on social media, made vocal statements and threatening posts before they acted. Many lived with a single parent and had no father nurturing or guidance in their mental/emotional development. They developed this compulsion to use brutal force to express their affinity to violence. Many of them lacked any empathy and respect for those they killed. Many felt that they had to act out their violent frustrations, especially on powerless children.

None of these “walking time-bombs” had ever received any mental/emotional school training that would have provided an effective “perceptual processing platform” that could analyze/identify probable consequences of their actions that would deprive victims the right to live.

All of them grew up in a contemporary complex media/political/social culture that seeks to indoctrinate and control children/adolescent feeling, thinking, and behavior to achieve radical goals. All of them probably viewed some 17,000 killings on television or in the movies by the age of 15. They continue to accept the right to destroy the fetus they carry believing that it’s a woman’s right. They live in a society that has lost its spiritual beginning while it maintains this “Culture of Death,” having destroyed over 60 million fetuses.

Yet Americans are shocked over mass killings of children and adolescents and adults in schools in Sandy Hook, Columbine, Parkland, Robb Elementary.

They look to blame the guns and not the shooters. They look to blame the lack of school security. They look to blame politicians, parents, administrators. So long as this continues they avoid identifying the root culprit, the fact that our schools do not focus on making cognitive development the primary goal of education.

We continue to implement an outmoded system of education. We fail to recognize that the right to think is our most valuable human resource. But our schools fail to teach our most important “future human resource” — how to think.

I have lectured and trained educators internationally to implement proven effective thinking skills programs created by world famous Dr Edward de Bono. But in America there has been a deliberate attempt by certain teacher unions to keep this fundamental “education civil right” out of the classroom in order to indoctrinate and paralyze students’ minds to never challenge what they view that leads to possible distorted emotional behavior.

Dr Rudy A. Magnan

Sandy Hook

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