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Things I Wish I Said



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To the Editor:

I had the privilege of attending the Planning and Zoning meeting on May 19 and being able to briefly speak. This was the third meeting regarding the Wharton “warehouse “ project at exit 9.

As is usually the case, there are comments I think of afterwards that I wish I had said.

First, I want to comment on the lighting aspect of this proposed disaster. At previous meetings there was concern expressed about light pollution. The Wharton people spoke of “magical” (my sarcastic wording, not theirs) that would only shine down.

I’m not a lighting expert and I don’t have any fancy degrees; however, I do know that light does not only shine down. We were actually told about these amazing lights when P&Z approved the Covered Bridge apartments.

We expressed concern about the lights and got told the same thing. Let me tell you, we can still see these magical lights all the way up Hillcrest Drive. I can see them from my back yard so make no mistake, there will be light pollution.

Second, I wanted to comment on the potential disaster if there were to be a fire at a facility this massive. I am aware it is not the opinion of this paper that if a large fire broke out there, our fire departments in Newtown would have a difficult time handling it.

However, it is my opinion that it would be an extremely difficult thing to manage. There was a Newtown volunteer firefighter at the last meeting. He got up and expressed his concern that Newtown would have difficulty handling something like that.

Just this morning a van caught fire in a driveway on Main Street and it spread to a small shed. All five fire companies responded. They needed all five fire companies for something that small.

This facility will be approximately 380,000 square feet. And I am not putting down our first responders. I am in awe of what they do and so thankful, but this has the potential to be catastrophic.

We don’t even know what will be housed and shipped from there. Chemicals, toxic materials??!!

I am again asking P&Z to read their own rules. This does not agree with any of them. Please do not pass this project. The next P&Z meeting is June 2nd. Please attend if possible.

Thank you

Janet McKeown


Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. saxon9075 says:

    Good points. I do not know lighting, but even if it is aimed down, some is reflected back up.

    As to Fire Protection, I moved here from Stamford 35 years ago. At the time North Stamford was protected by volunteer fire departments. Unfortunately the neighborhoods and demographics change. the people who were volunteers no longer live there (and certifications have become the norm). As more development occurs can we keep our all volunteer departments. Could a paid engine and ladder company have handled that fire on Main Street ? I don’t know. I asked, (and Mr. Voket answered) can we ask the developer to buy additional equipment or pay for more fire protection?

    Finally remember this in the November elections. The State wants to regionalize the Zoning Boards of the towns with the adjacent cities. Do we want Danbury, Bridgeport or Waterbury deciding on our Zoning rules?

  2. Tom Johnson says:

    It just not just the opinion of the paper, but most of the local and the applicable local fire departments that they would have no problem handling any potential fires from this site. I would suggest you read their comments on the matter.

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