Where Are Our Town Leaders On The Truck Depot?
To the Editor:
This is an open letter to First Selectman Daniel Rosenthal, State Rep Mitch Bolinsky and State Senator Tony Hwang — any comment at all on the 112 acre Truck Depot proposed for Newtown?
Hundreds of local residents have protested, attended zoning meetings, sent letters etc about this large, potentially town-changing project, and yet nothing from any of our local leaders.
Have town officials already made up their mind and Newtown residents are wasting their time?
I hope the voters/residents aren’t wasting their time.
Please look at the materials presented by the residents with their concerns. With 360 employee parking spaces, three shifts of employees and 76 truck bays that could be active all day and night, traffic in that area and through town will be a potential mess.
Tony Hwang, as one of our environmental champions, are you comfortable with this? Calls to Dan Rosenthal’s office resulted in a “nothing I can do” response.
You guys need to have an opinion, this is important and the expectation is our local officials have an opinion and we the voters should know those opinions — especially before we have thousands of additional trucks and cars daily moving through town.
George Zaruba
It is my understanding that most town officials generally refrain from publicly commenting on Zoning matters, if it goes to court they do not want to be cited as having biased the process resulting in an unfair hearing.
There is an article in this weeks Bee. The Town Fire Chiefs have no opposition to the plan. They can handle any problems. As to Messer’s Bolinsky and Hwang, this is a local Newtown matter and not within the purview of the State legislature. I would not expect Gov. Lamont to state an opinion any more than Rep. Hayes or Senators Blumenthal (though he is never at a loss for a press statement) or Murphy.
Mitch Bolinsky showed up last night at the P&Z review. Was great to have a town official at the meeting and sharing his thoughts.
I expect our local and state officials, representing Newtown, to take a stand on local and state/national issue. These are elected people and I want to know where they stand, what they represent and what they think when I go to the polls to vote. Look at what is happening in other states, local/state elections are filling state legislatures, who now seem to have significantly impacted nation issues.
i am resident of Newtown and live on Currituck Rd, very worried about this proposed truck terminal that will be just around the corner from us, it will be a night mare in the making, already I-84 has problems now and many times closed up because accidents and just an overflow of traffic on the local roads. This proposal must be rejected in order to save this town and our property values!
The town officials and politicians are very quiet on this proposed truck facility, we already have to avoid many times big trucks from Eversource, Lewis tree service and several other company with big trucks that have moved in on Barnabas road, beside these company’s that are like in our back yards with bright lights all night.I am afraid that many will take it lightly and only realize these company’s are not an asset to the town and are disrupting all our lives, and not for the better.