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Get To Know: St Rose Of Lima School



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The Newtown Bee’s “get to know” series features a look at local buildings.

St Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church’s Monsignor Robert Weiss answered questions about the school building and its grounds. His answers are below.

In what year was it purchased or built? The grounds on which the school is located were part of the original land purchase in the 1800s. The campaign to build a school was launched in 1956, raising $155,000. The doors first opened in 1958.

Have there been any additions? There have been two additions: 1998 an addition to the school to include a kindergarten and a parish meeting room, and 2007 an addition of an entire new wing to the school to house a library, an all-purpose gathering hall with a gym, stage, and kitchen, administrative offices and new entryways.

Who or what entity oversees the building? The building belongs to the Saint Rose Parish and is managed and maintained in a collaboration with Saint Rose Parish and Saint Rose School.

How large is the building? The building has a total of 9 classrooms, a science lab, a library, a nurse’s office, secretary’s office, 2 administrative offices, faculty room, art room, restrooms, all-purpose gathering hall, music room, storage areas/closets. There are four portable classrooms as well.

What purpose/purposes does the building serve? The building is primarily a center of learning for both a full time pre-K through eighth grade school as well as a center for the parish religious education program. The gathering hall is also used for school assemblies, lunch, gym, athletics (St Rose School is part of the Danbury Parochial League for basketball) as well as for parish functions.

What are some facts about the building’s grounds? The grounds include a full service enclosed play area for the pre-K and lower grades and a large field for use by the upper grades. There are outdoor basketball hoops available in the parking lot for student use. There is a brick garden in the back of the school between the building and the portables. A new brick garden will be created this Spring on the island directly in front of the school by the Angel of Hope statue.

What is one interesting fact about the building? With the opening of the school in 1958, the parish worked to provide busing for the students through legislation. It was a hallmark decision by the State to grant busing for Catholic school students which is still in place to date.

An exterior view of St Rose of Lima School.—photo courtesy St Rose of Lima School
The Monsignor Robert E. Weiss Gathering Hall serves as the school’s gymnasium, cafeteria, and auditorium.—photo courtesy St Rose of Lima School
The St Rose of Lima Preschool building.—Bee Photos, Hallabeck
St Rose of Lima School’s science classroom.
A hallway at St Rose of Lima School.
A classroom at St Rose of Lima School.
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