Worried About Pond Brook Aquifer
To The Editor:
I would like to express concern about the project proposed for a warehouse at Exit 9. There have been several projects approved in this area recently due to the access to the sewer system. They have included apartment complexes & gas stations.
This site is connected to the Pond Brook aquifer and affects the water potability as well as the recharging of the aquifer. The proposed warehouse covers eight acres with additional surfaced parking area adjacent to the proposed facility.
A study done several years ago for a defeated 15-lot subdivision on Pond Brook Road with a much smaller footprint was rejected. The developer in that case had soil scientists and engineers testifying to the feasibility of the project. The community had to hire an out-of-state consultant to provide data that refuted the developer’s professionals.
It was clear from the study that the project would provide considerable damage to the environment, aquifer recharging, and affect the water flow downstream.
In the project before the town, the building proposed is the equivalent of 300 single family homes being built. This is contradictory to the Town’s plan of development mission to protect the environment.
The Town needs to hire its own outside professionals to evaluate the proposal. Our IWC and P&Z do not have the capacity to consider the proposal. Only then will our town’s people be satisfied that the development is safe, well thought out, and preserves our land and environment.
Yours truly,
Gary Tannenbaum