Support Medical Assistance in Dying Legislation
To the Editor and Our Community:
Two weeks ago, an editorial in The Newtown Bee, and last week a letter to the editor by Paul Bluestein, focused on MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) legislation.
My friends, Lynda Shannon Bluestein, who has late-stage metastatic cancer, and her husband Paul testified last Wednesday, February 23, in favor of the proposal, Senate Bill 88, which is currently being considered in our Connecticut legislature.
On behalf of my friends, I would like to request that those of you who support a terminally ill person’s right to choose how and when they die, express your thoughts to Newtown’s Legislative Delegation.
Our Senator is Tony Hwang — he can be reached at 800-842-1421.
Newtown has three House Representatives. Depending on your address and voting district, they are:
Mitch Bolinsky (District 106) — or call 800-842-1423 or 860-240-8700;
Raghib Allie-Brennan (District 2) — or call 860-240-8585; or
Tony Scott (District 112) — or call 800-842-1423 or 860-240-8700.
Thank you,
Linda Dale Mulholland
Sandy Hook