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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Inclusive Playground Equipment Has Arrived



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To the Editor:

The Newtown Lions Club is delighted to announce that the Dickinson Park playground will be upgraded this spring with three new pieces of wheelchair-accessible equipment.

The glider, merry-go-round, and wheelchair swing feature ride-on access so no transfer from a wheelchair is needed. This inclusive equipment will allow children with mobility issues to ride along with their able-bodied siblings and friends.

All three pieces have just arrived at the Park & Rec garage. Site work will start as soon as the weather permits and installation should be finished in mid-May.

The Lions Club has a long history of support for the town’s parks and has been raising funds for this project for the past two years.

When the project is completed, our community will have a fantastic and beautiful place where all children regardless of physical ability can enjoy playing together.

Walt Schweikert

Chair, Playground Committee

Newtown Lions Club

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