Missing From Response
To the Editor:
This is in response to Board of Education member Jennifer Larkin’s letter where she blatantly disregarded my concern and continued to explain her position on the unrelated topic of mask mandates.
If she truly represented all children and families, she would have responded to my email and addressed my concern. The issue I raised was the blatant dismissal by the BOE of students speaking out about racism and in favor of inclusive education.
At no point did I express an opinion about masks (Ms Larkin’s primary concern). In fact, as an educator with nearly 30 years experience in the public schools and working with some fragile children, I don’t feel qualified to determine what protocols are necessary. I do, however, follow every rule put forth.
This BOE seems to feel they can pick and choose which rules to follow and which children and families to represent.
Ms Larkin may have clapped for children on both sides of the mask issue and she may have grave concerns that children might be bullied for their mask choices, but she sat in stony silence and has shown zero support for my children and those who have bravely come forward about issues of race in our schools.
Should Ms Larkin attempt to dispute these facts, I would be happy to share the video footage.
Christine E. Miller
Sandy Hook