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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

American Legion Nursing Student Award Available



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American Legion Post 202 will award one student $300 to assist in acquiring a higher education in a nursing-related field of study.

The scholarship recipient must be a graduating senior, Newtown resident, and entering a four-year college or university or two-year community college. The student must be majoring or minoring in a nursing-related field.

The award will be announced at the Newtown High School 2022 Awards Night on May 25, or by letter to private/parochial school students.

The winning student will receive a check from the American Legion.

To apply, the complete application with essay must be postmarked no later than April 1 and mailed to American Legion Post 202, PO Box 659, Newtown CT 06470.

The application is available on the Newtown High School Career Center Scholarship Padlet and online through Naviance.

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