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BOE Approves NHS Choir Trip



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The Board of Education at its December 7 meeting approved a spring trip for Newtown High School (NHS) choir students to attend a learning event at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla.

The trip would be planned for mid- to late May, and NHS Principal Dr Kimberly Longobucco and Newtown Public Schools Director of Visual and Performing Arts Michelle Hiscavich spoke at the meeting to present the trip for the board’s consideration. Longobucco explained the trip to Florida was originally planned for May of 2020, and this is the attempted “re-do.”

The trip itinerary would include staying at a hotel, visiting Disney parks, and attending a Disney Performing Arts Performance and Workshop. The NHS choir group will perform at an outdoor venue and the workshop will feature Disney musical directors, according to the presentation. It would be a three-day trip.

Single to quad occupancy rates for rooms, which will be up to parental choice, range from $1,245 to $1,557. According to Longobucco, the trip is designed to be an all-inclusive cost to cover breakfast and dinner and room and board. An additional cost of $150 per student will cover the cost of five chaperones for the trip. Travel insurance is included in the price.

Canceling coverage is available and plans to oversee quarantining are in place, along with other COVD-19 protocols, such as requiring a negative test within 72 hours of departure for the trip. If isolation is needed, there would be an additional cost for another room as an option; a certified nurse will be attending the trip; and other pandemic protocols and practices will be in place, with parents notified ahead of time, according to the presentation.

After the school board asked a number of questions, the trip was unanimously approved.

Education Reporter Eliza Hallabeck can be reached at eliza@thebee.com.

Newtown Public Schools Director of Visual and Performing Arts Michelle Hiscavich, left, and Newtown High School Principal Dr Kimberly Longobucco speak at the Board of Education’s December 7 meeting.
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