FONS Transportation Survey Extended
The deadline to complete a local survey on transportation needs and challenges facing Newtown’s older population has been extended in the hope of getting more widespread participation.
The survey is being conducted by Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) in collaboration with Newtown Human Services, Newtown Commission on Aging, Hart Bus, the transportation coordinator for Western CT Area Agency on Aging, and the regional council of governments (COG).
It will continue to be available online or in hard copy form through December 15, according to FONS Founder John Boccuzzi, Sr.
The organization is also offering assistance to anyone wishing to complete the survey, including delivering a hard copy or providing it to a family member, friend, or neighbor, Boccuzzi said.
Newtown Human Services Director Natalie Jackson commented, “We are very excited to get this survey out and are hoping for a great response rate so we can really tackle the transportation needs of our seniors. This is a priority for Human Services.”
To go directly to the survey, visit or link to the survey on the FONS website at
Hard copies are available at the library and the senior center. People are encouraged to pick them up for friends who do not use the internet or choose not to complete the survey online.
For assistance obtaining a hard copy, contact FONS at or 203-430-0633.