P&Z Hearing Slated On South Main Apartment Building Proposal
A legal notice submitted to The Newtown Bee is advising residents that the Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) will be conducting public hearings next month on a proposed three-story apartment building on South Main Street near the intersection of Borough Lane.
The meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, December 2, in the Municipal Center’s Council Chambers at 7 pm. The public is invited to join and share their input.
Three applications on the agenda are proposed by Robert Sherwood for a property located at 35 South Main Street.
Application 21.28 is for a Zone Change so as to change the zone from R-1/2 to South Main Village Design District #11 (SMVDD11).
Application 21.29 is for a Text Amendment to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Newtown, for a new South Main Village Design District (SMVDD11) located at 35 South Main Street, so as to permit the construction of a three-story residential building for apartments.
Lastly, Application 21.30 is for a Site Development Plan so as to permit apartments located within the South Main Village Design District.
According to the legal notice, “Copies of the above applications and related documents are on file and available for public inspection in the Land Use Department, Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut.”
For more information about the Planning and Zoning Commission and its meetings, visit newtown-ct.gov/planning-zoning-commission.
Reporter Alissa Silber can be reached at alissa@thebee.com.