Departing Council Chairman Thankful For Opportunity To Serve
To the Editor:
In February of 2007 I attended my first Legislative Council meeting as a member of the public. My feet were planted squarely in the “young new family” demographic here in Newtown, but collectively with a few friends, we decided it was time to start paying attention and maybe get involved.
That meeting led to a number of volunteer opportunities, and eventually saw me run for election and win a seat on the Legislative Council in 2011. I’ve now been a member of the Council for a full decade, and had the great honor of serving as Council Chairman for the past four years.
This past election cycle I chose to step down and not seek re-election. Not because it was too hard, demanded too much time, or wasn’t enjoyable; I simply believe after 10+ years, it was time for me to get out of the way so that the next round of leaders can emerge and take on the new issues of the day to carry Newtown forward.
Our town government is extremely accessible and welcoming to new volunteers who are willing to step up and help. The two friends who joined me at that first town meeting also went on to volunteer with the Sustainable Energy Commission and the Cultural Arts Commission. And over the years, others in our circle found opportunities with numerous town boards, commissions and organizations. I encourage all who read this to seek out their opportunity to help lead our town forward. Newtown’s culture of volunteerism is a great and important part of what makes our town so special.
It’s been my great pleasure to serve on the Legislative Council. Congratulations to all who won their recent elections, and to all those currently serving on Newtown’s boards and commissions. Thank you for all of the good work you’ve done and will do on our behalf.
Paul Lundquist
(Soon to be former) Chairman, Legislative Council