Endorsing Jordana Bloom For Town Clerk
To the Editor:
I am writing to strongly endorse Jordana Bloom for town clerk.
I have known Jordana for 37 years, and we have been married for 32. We have raised four wonderful kids, with Jordana doing most of the work, which is a lot. She has been passionate about that job, and she is passionate about working for Newtown. She has served two terms on the Legislative Council, working on the Education and Ordinance Subcommittees, and as vice chair of the Municipal Operations Subcommittee. She strongly advocates for her positions and has contributed to the good budget discipline we’ve had in recent years.
I know she has been honored to serve our residents in that important role, and I know first-hand the dedication she puts into it. In her earlier career, she owned her own retail business and was just as dedicated to customer service and professionalism in that role. And most recently, she has worked tirelessly to support her own candidacy as well as the entire Democratic slate’s.
Now she wants to bring all those experiences to the town clerk position. Jordana knows Newtown government, she knows friendly customer service, and she is passionate about providing town officials and all its citizens with the excellent support they deserve. She will work hard every single day to earn your continued trust as a Newtown public servant, now in the town clerk’s office. Thanks for considering Jordana, her dedication, and her experience on Tuesday.
John Fletcher