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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Biden Must Urge Senate To End The Filibuster



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To the Editor:

In 2006, 192 House Republicans voted to renew the Voting Rights Act. Now, we can’t get a single Republican senator to come out and unequivocally support protecting the freedom to vote for the American people.

That tells you everything you need to know about our hopes for passing voting rights legislation without abolishing the filibuster.

It’s time for President Biden to recognize this reality and use the power of his office to demand the Senate abolish the filibuster. Supporting voting rights legislation alone is simply not enough.

Please, President Biden, we need a strategy. Put the freedom to vote of the American people ahead of any reservations you have about abolishing the filibuster. The stakes are too high to lack your leadership.


Patricia Cannizzaro


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