Supporting Jennifer Larkin For BOE
To the Editor:
I would like to share my support for Jennifer Larkin’s run for Board of Education and let it be known what an asset she would be, if elected.
I have lived in Newtown for seven years and currently have three children in the school system in town, all of which are receiving special education. To say our ride has been bumpy would be an understatement.
As any parent of special needs children can attest, the journey is long and arduous. Three years ago, I begged the current BOE to hear my pleas as it related to getting my children the education they were, by law, to receive. I wish I could say that things have improved, but my experience says otherwise.
I couldn’t be more excited for a changing of the guard, or so to speak, of our current BOE — we are long overdue for a current and fresh perspective. That being said, Jenn Larkin is exactly who our children need in their corner — especially those with an IEP or 504 plan. She is able to advocate with diplomacy and follows through without blinking an eye. I believe her own experience as the parent of two school-aged kids will give her the foresight and initiative we need to turn the dial toward a more inclusive learning environment for all of our children.
Jenn has already established herself an ally to our underrepresented children; she has made it clear that she is committed to being a part of ensuring all children in Newtown receive the education, advocacy, support, and commitment to excellence they deserve.
It is because of these reasons I encourage all parents to support Jenn’s road, and subsequent election, to our BOE on November 2.
Thank you.
Liza Leuallen