Fondly Remembering A Neighbor From Heaven
To the Editor:
You may have heard or read about the untimely passing of Robert “Bob” Mitchell.
We want to let all Newtowners know what a special man he was. Bob has been our neighbor and friend for almost 35 years. He was a great father to his twins, Samantha and Jeremy, and a wonderful husband to Cindy, his wife. He and Cindy were what we called the “neighbors from heaven”.
When we traveled, they watched over our house and property. They often came over to secure our outdoor furniture and pick up packages. When we arrived home, there was always a meal in the refrigerator and home baked breads awaiting our arrival. They never missed sending birthday cards and cards for any other occasions, not only to us, but to our children and grandchildren.
He actively cared for his contemporary house and property and was always gardening, maintaining, improving, and generally busy at home. He was an architect, with his own successful firm, loved by his employees and clients alike
Bob was chairman for many years of the Public Building and Site Commission, and as such he presided over many town projects such as the rebuilding of the Sandy Hook School and the Permanent Memorial, among others. Projects came in on time and on or under budget. He freely gave his time and talents and did his volunteer work quietly and never sought the spotlight or recognition. He was a soft-spoken man with never a harsh word to say about anything or anyone.
He was an ardent supporter of Newtown’s small businesses and was well-known and liked at such places as Bagel Delight and the Sandy Hook Diner. He often helped Cindy support and work at the FAITH Food Pantry.
Many people who are interviewed by The Bee when asked “what is the best thing about Newtown” often answer “the people.” Bob Mitchell was, and will remain, on the top of that list to us.
Cathy & Rick Mazzariello
Sandy Hook