Vote Democratic On November 2
To the Editor:
What a crazy year-and-a-half we’ve had! Thankfully, Newtown has had the right leadership to guide us. Under the current Democratic administration, Newtown has had a common sense, fact-based approach to managing the pandemic, keeping us safe and getting us back in school and back to business as soon as possible.
But that’s not all.
Did you know that, according to FBI data, Newtown is one of the safest places in all of Connecticut? We have a beautiful new Police Department building. And have you noticed how many roads have been repaved and patched? We have so many improvements to our infrastructure!
It’s remarkable that our town government has done all this while keeping the tax base level. They’ve also improved Newtown’s economic stability and our S&P rating remains at AAA status.
All this goes to show that it’s possible to be fiscally responsible while still providing the services our community needs. That’s Democratic leadership for you! Democrats also value bipartisan collaboration. We have an efficient, cooperative government, and it’s a government that is for all of Newtown, every one of us.
Please remember to vote. Anyone can vote absentee again this year; a link to the absentee ballot application, and more information about the Democratic candidates, are available at
Let’s keep Newtown moving forward, today, tomorrow, together. Let’s elect the Democratic candidates on November 2.
Betsy Litt