Incumbent Selectman Solicits Support For Re-Election
To the Editor:
My name is Maureen Crick Owen and I am honored to be running for re-election for selectman for the Board of Selectmen in the November 2 election.
For those of you who might be new to our wonderful community, I come from a family with deep roots in Newtown and a long tradition of public service. My great-grandfather was a first selectman, my grandfather a selectman and my mother, a long time warden of the Borough.
I have followed in this family tradition. I served on the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Board of Assessment Appeals. I am also president of Newtown Village Cemetery and Connecticut Cemetery Association. For my professional career, I worked as a paralegal.
It has been my honor to serve as selectman for almost four years. With your support, I look forward to continuing to serve as selectman doing my best to represent all the residents of Newtown.
Thank you.
Maureen Crick Owen