P&Z Continues Discussion On Drive-Through Window At Mobil Gas Mart
The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) continued a public hearing for two applications pertaining to a drive-through window at the Mobil gas station on Church Hill Road near Exit 10 during its meeting at the Newtown Municipal Center September 16.
The first item was Application 21.21 for two text amendments to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Newtown, so as to add a subsection “(e) combination filling station and convenience stores permitted by §4.03.317 with drive-through facilities” and to add a subsection “(g) except as permitted in the Exit 10 Commercial Design District.”
The second was Application 21.22 for a special exception, for a property at 62-64 Church Hill Road, so as to permit a drive-through window as demonstrated on a set of plans titled, “Sundaram LLC Newtown Mobil Station 62-64 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470.”
Attorney Robert “Bob” Hall represented both applications and handed out revised documents to the P&Z. He shared that he also had video footage of peak traffic hours on different days in the area.
“Now one thing I want to emphasize is that we think that the site works, but we have done some improvements on it since the last meeting,” Hall said.
Jason Edwards, of J. Edwards Associates, went over the revisions to the site plan. To help with the traffic flow, they are looking to make a one-way entrance on the east side and a one-way exit on the west side. Right now, traffic can openly flow in and out of both points.
“I think it is going to make a huge difference having this area controlled,” Edwards said.
The lighting proposal noted some lights would be relocated. It was acknowledged that there was an error on the site plan given to the commission.
Edwards brought up the landscaping plans, which will include planting trees and shrubs on west side and a series of shrubs around the car wash area.
Hall asked Edwards to speak to the changes for handicapped parking. Edwards explained the new location would be better with an 8-foot-wide loading area for the handicapped space to separate it from other vehicles.
P&Z member Corinne Cox inquired if the canopies over the building will be taken down, “because there’s not a lot of room there.”
Hall answered that the one on the left, where the drive-through proposal is, will be coming down so it will not be hanging over the drive-through and the canopy will be replaced over the gas pumps.
Jaydev Patel, owner of Sundaram LLC, added it will be replaced around the springtime and the underground tanks are being replaced next month.
Commission Feedback
P&Z member Dennis Bloom voiced that he had concerns regarding trailers and access to the diesel pumps.
Hall invited the whole commission to view the property, but after discussing it, P&Z members felt it was not necessary because they are already familiar with the site.
P&Z Chair Don A. Mitchell later added that trucks and trailers are prohibited at the site.
“They might be prohibited, but they go in there all the time,” Bloom said.
Patel said he understands Bloom’s concerns and that they can put up more signage, so people are aware.
At the preceding P&Z meeting, on September 2, Land Use Agency Deputy Director of Planning Rob Sibley brought up issues with the existing landscaping, light poles, and signs that did not appear to meet zoning standards and Hall said that he would investigate it.
At the recent meeting, Hall showed photos of the current Mobile sign and the previous business sign for Amoco, saying that he believes the existing sign is legal. He noted they would like to have a free-standing Dunkin’ Donuts sign by the road, but that it can be looked into later.
Hall also played three sped-up traffic videos that were taken on a recent Friday, Saturday afternoon, and a drizzly Thursday morning (the day of the meeting).
He pointed out a Jeep leaving the Mobile gas station at one point and said, “You can see the driver leaving the site did not have to wait very long.”
Hall referred to the report by Kermit Hua, traffic engineer with KWH Enterprises LLC in Meriden, when telling the commission that the capacity analysis for the road is “very substantial.”
He cited accident data from page 25 of the document, then summarized, “Obviously since the state has rebuilt that section, [accidents have] dropped like a stone.”
Hall said the main takeaway is that since it is expected that there will only be a limited number of new trips to the area with the addition of a drive-through window, it is “not expected to adversely affect the adjacent roadways.”
Mitchell shared how Hua also reported that current traffic is lower than normal and expected to “recover to pre-pandemic levels.”
Additionally, Mitchell brought up that Hua used the ITE code for a standalone coffee shop to base his studies on, so he does not know how that computes when having a combination gas station with a car wash and convenience store.
Later on, Mitchell inquired if the documents from the night’s public hearing were filed with the Land Use Department beforehand. Hall said no, that they were just submitted during the night’s hearing.
Mitchell explained that to protect the public’s right to be able to review the documents beforehand and come with questions if desired, the P&Z would like to continue to public hearing to the next meeting.
Sibley also requested a mockup of interior signs be submitted for the next meeting.
The P&Z was unanimously in favor to continue the public hearing for Applications 21.21 and 21.22. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7, at 7 pm, in the Council Chambers of Newtown Municipal Center.
For more information about the Planning and Zoning Commission, visit newtown-ct.gov/planning-zoning-commission.
Reporter Alissa Silber can be reached at alissa@thebee.com.