Encouraging Open, Honest Talk About Drinking
To the Editor,
The upcoming school year brings new classes, activities, and often new social opportunities that may include peer pressure to experiment with underage drinking. Though resistance can be difficult for teens, as a parent, your involvement has a significant impact on your child’s decisions. According to the 2008 GfK Roper Youth Report, 74 percent of 8- to 17-year-olds cite their parents as the Number 1 influence on whether they drink alcohol.
That’s why Dichello Distributors, Inc, offers “Family Talk About Drinking,” a free guide designed to encourage open and honest communication between parents and children to help prevent underage drinking.
Strong educational programs such as these, paired with effective law enforcement, are essential to make progress in the fight against underage drinking and teen drunk driving. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, all measures of teen alcohol use have declined since 1998.
We must continue to guide and influence youth to ensure that progress persists. For a free parent guide, go to familytalkonline.com.
Tony Lota
Alcohol Awareness Coordinator
Dichello Distributors, Inc.
Orange, Conn.